
The Essential Guide To Understanding Candlesticks

29 septiembre 2022

A doji is a candlestick chart​​ pattern where the price moves higher and/or lower throughout a given time period of trading, but the price closes very near to where it opened. A doji candlestick indicates indecision between buyers and...

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Fintech giant Stripe keeps on buying

21 septiembre 2022

The account lets you accept payments from your customer’s bank account. After you’ve received the money, you can move it to your personal bank account or keep it in your Stripe account. If you need a way to receive...

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Is Alcohol Impacting Your Relationship?

20 septiembre 2022

Managing your drinking and getting the right support are really important for your mental health. They may lie to their partner or family about where they are, who they spend their time with and what they did during the...

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Law Firm Accounting 101 Bench Accounting

13 septiembre 2022

Staying on top of receivables is essential to the financial health of your business. For example, if you purchase office supplies for your business, you should have an “Office Supplies Expense” account. But you don’t want to set up...

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